Saturday, December 15, 2007

How Can Physiotherapy Help Women's Health?

The subject of women's health encompasses a range of issues that can be treated by physiotherapy. From pregnancy back pain to incontinence problems faced by older women, physiotherapy is there to help.

Bladder incontinence is a problem for 13 million Americans on any given day. Although some men have this problem, it is present in much greater numbers in the area of women's health.

There are several different kinds of incontinence. Stress incontinence happens when the person coughs or sneezes and urge incontinence means the person has sudden urges to use the restroom, for example. Organ prolapse, such as a tilted uterus, can lead to incontinence, as well as sexual dysfunction. This is another area of women's health physiotherapy can help.

Physiotherapists who work in the field of women's health can correct nearly 70% of incontinence problems. The major exercise used is the Kegel. It is a very specialized exercise, and at least half the people who try to do it on their own fail miserably. It takes biofeedback for many to get it right.

Many of the problems of women's health can be traced to the pelvic floor. The Kegel is the exercise that addresses this part of the anatomy. However, other therapies are used as well. Electrical stimulation is only one of the methods used. Soft tissue manipulation is another treatment that has been tried.

Pelvic pain affects many women's health. It may come from a variety of sources. It can be due to vulvodynia or abdominal surgeries, for example. One can have pelvic pain after falling, especially if one lands on the tailbone. These conditions often curtail sexual activities and lead to an overall deterioration in women's psychological health. Physiotherapy offers many treatments to help these problems.

No discussion of how physiotherapy helps with women's health would be complete without a word about pregnancy. Women who are pregnant know that their bodies go through various changes that can be painful. Low back pain is only one of them.

Physiotherapists can help with this. Gentle exercises can be taught to relieve tension in the back. One is to lie on the floor with the knees up and press the small of the back to the floor. This gives a great feeling of relief. Other exercises strengthen the woman's back, but few people besides physiotherapists know how far to go with exercising when pregnant. Women's health is important at this time, and so is the baby's.

Physiotherapists can also give instructions on what amount of exercise is best for pregnant women. After delivery, physiotherapy is a boon to women's health. It can help get women back into shape and instruct them in taking care of their new child while preventing back problems. Another area of postpartum women's health is the treatment of women who have had cesarean sections.

Physiotherapy can help women's health because there are so many conditions that women suffer. Many of these conditions will respond to physiotherapy. It is only natural that women would turn to a tried and true method for relief.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Friday, December 14, 2007

Physiotherapy After Cardiac Surgery

One may feel fatigued and sore after cardiac surgery; it is only natural. On the other hand, it seems altogether strange to think of embarking on a course of physiotherapy afterwards instead of just resting. Yet, that is just what is recommended.

Types of cardiac surgery include bypass surgeries, angioplasty, stents, heart valve replacements, and even heart transplants. Patients having all of these surgeries can benefit from physiotherapy. Patients who have other cardiac problems can use the help too; they include victims of heart attacks, heart failure, peripheral artery disease, chest pain, and cardiomyopathy.

Physiotherapy will usually begin within a couple of weeks of cardiac surgery, if not sooner. The first step is for nurses or doctors to administer a stress test to determine how much exercise one can handle. This involves walking on a treadmill or riding on a stationary bike while having one's vital signs monitored.

When the data is gathered and analyzed, a program of physical therapy will be put into place. For safety's sake, it is often the routine to bring cardiac surgery patients into the hospital or an outpatient clinic for their exercise at first.

Under the watchful eyes of nurses and physiotherapy personnel, cardiac surgery patients will be looked after as they perform their exercises. This way the professionals will be alerted if the cardiac surgery patient is having troublesome symptoms. The exercises done are cardiovascular exercises like walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike.

After the initial period of the monitored physiotherapy has passed, cardiac surgery patients will be sent to do their exercising at home. Before they go, though, they will have been taught warm-up and stretching exercises, and when to stop. Generally, they should exercise three to five times a week unless they are having problems.

Swimming is another form of exercise that is especially good for cardiac surgery patients. It is a cardiovascular exercise that is not hard on the joints, so it will often be kept up longer. The only thing to remember is that all wounds must be completely healed first.

Physiotherapy for cardiac surgery patients is often not carried out by physiotherapy staff. Nurses in hospitals and clinics who are trained to deal with these areas of rehabilitation for cardiac surgery will do the work. However, physiotherapists sometimes help, and the principles are the same.

The physiotherapist will instruct the patient about what activities are acceptable in the weeks and months after surgery. During the first six weeks, there will only be a few activities allowed, such as light housekeeping or going to movies, for example. From then until the third month, more activities will be added. You may be able to return to work, at least part-time, you may be able to drive. After this time, your physiotherapist will work with you to ease you back into all your old activities.

If a patient has cardiac surgery and then does nothing to regain strength, that patient will soon weaken. Physiotherapy offers a means to stay in shape, or get into shape. It lends more purpose to the cardiac surgery by making the patient much healthier than before the surgery ever took place.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

What Is Physiotherapy?

If you have a musculo-skeletal problem or injury, you might be given a referral to a physiotherapy clinic. If you have gone to one before, you know what to expect. If you are new to this service, you might ask, what is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is also known as physical therapy. That answers the question of what is physiotherapy for many people. However, if you have not had any dealings with this form of treatment, you need to know more.

A type of health care, physiotherapy concerns itself with providing physical healing methods for many different kinds of injuries and illnesses. Some of these techniques are done in a hands-on manner, by using massage or manipulation of the musculo-skeletal system. Knowing about physiotherapy is crucial to getting this kind of help.

Education is a part of what physiotherapy is. A physiotherapist will teach a patient how to care for their injuries. They will teach exercises to do at home so that therapy can continue beyond the walls of the clinic or hospital. They will teach ways to overcome difficulties that cannot be cured.

Another part of what is physiotherapy is rehabilitation. Patients have injuries from sports, car accidents, or assault. These injuries can be treated through physiotherapy. Given the right treatments and an injury that will respond to treatment, much progress can be made. Full functioning may be regained. It may even be possible for them to go back to work rather than being laid up at home.

An answer to what is physiotherapy is what kinds of treatments physiotherapists use. Heat, ice, and ultrasound are used to relieve pain and stiffness. Massage, chiropractic, and other hands-on methods are important. All these methods tend to promote better health, both physical and psychological.

Equipment for helping patients regain their strength and mobility are a part of what is physiotherapy. This equipment may allow a person who is partially paralyzed to get the most exercise possible. This is crucial in maintaining the integrity of their spines and muscles.

What is physiotherapy? It is a carefully planned and executed treatment strategy. It is based upon assessments of the conditions that patients suffer. If all goes well, the patient will return to their original condition. If this is not possible, the goal for the patient is to reach a point that provides the best movement and lack of pain that is possible.

People who are referred to a clinic may ask, what is physiotherapy? However, they will be given quick answers to this question. After an initial evaluation, they will be scheduled for treatments like ultrasound or acupuncture. They will be assigned exercises to do at home. A good physiotherapist will begin treatment right away.

People, who ask what is physiotherapy, often do not consider the preventative side of the field. It is a part of the work of practitioners of physiotherapy to encourage exercises and postures that will help patients avoid physical injuries and conditions requiring their services. An excellent physiotherapist will have fewer return patients, but the flow of people needing physiotherapy continues.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Organic Skin Care

If it can be done naturally, why go for artificial means - this is the basic premise on which organic skin care works. Organic skin care is the most natural way of skin care. In fact, organic skin care was probably the first one to be used by man when it first woke-up to the needs of his skin. Organic skin care is not only friendlier to skin, but also inexpensive. If exercised in the right way, organic skin care can prevent the occurrence of a lot of skin disorders and can help keep your skin healthy and young-looking for a much longer time.

Organic fruits and vegetables are the most popular things on organic skin care routines e.g. cucumber is very common in organic skin care routines. Turmeric, apple, papaya, and ginger are others that find a wide use in organic skin care routines. These organic materials have a very refreshing and vitalizing effect on your skin. Almost every skin care book or guide has section on organic skin care (including the actions of various fruits and vegetables on skin). So choose the ones that are more suitable for your skin type and start experimenting with them until you finally select the ones that are most suitable for inclusion in your organic skin care routine. It’s important that you use fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Don’t try to utilise the rotten ones for your skin, their only place is the garbage bin.

Milk is known to posses good cleansing properties; in fact, the name of some skin care products contains the word milk in them. A combination of milk with ground oatmeal acts as a wonderful cleanser.

Ground oatmeal is especially good for oily skins and is a popular ingredient in an organic skin care regimen. It is used in various combinations with egg, honey, milk and fruits, for preparation of organic facial packs.

Wheat germ is another ingredient in organic skin care procedures. It is rich in vitamin E and is known for its exfoliation as well as moisturising properties. Wheat germ, in various combinations with other organic materials, is used to prepare facial masks for normal and dry skin types. Wheat germ oil is another way in which wheat germ is used for organic skin care.

Yogurt and sour cream are other organic materials that are popular for their exfoliation and moisturising properties. Use of organic honey is also popular in organic skin care procedures. It helps in retention of moisture and helps impart a glowing look to skin. Rose water takes its place as a toner in organic skin care routines. Lavender water is popular too.

Organic skin care uses combinations of various organic materials that complement each other and enhance each other’s effectiveness. Moreover, these combinations are also helpful in over-riding the harmful effects (if any) of various organic materials that form them.

Organic skin care is really an art that, once perfected, it can give wonderful results in a very cost effective manner.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Herbal Skin Care

Skin care is not a topic of recent times; it has been in practice since ancient times, when herbal skin care was probably the only way to take care of skin. However, skin care has transformed in a big way. Herbal skin care routines have been replaced by synthetic/chemical-based skin care routines. The herbal skin care recipes which once used to be common place are not so popular today (and even unknown to a large population). This transformation from herbal skin care to synthetic, can probably be attributed to two things – our laziness (or just the fast pace of lives) and the commercialisation of skin care. Even herbal skin care products have been commercialised. These commercial herbal skin care products have to be mixed with preservatives in order to increase their shelf-life, hence making them less effective than the fresh ones made at home. However, it seems that things are changing fast and more people are now opting for natural and herbal skin care routines. But still, none want to make them at home and hence the commercial market of herbal skin care products is on the rise.

So what are these herbs or herbal skin care mechanisms?

Aloe vera, which is an extract from Aloe plant, is one of the best examples of herbal skin care product. Freshly extracted aloe vera is a natural hydrant that helps in soothing skin. It also helps in healing cuts and treating sun burns.

A number of herbs are known to possess cleansing properties. Dandelion, chamomile, lime flowers and rosemary herbs, are a few examples of such cleansers. Their herbal skin care properties get invoked when they are combined with other herbs like tea.

Antiseptics are another important part of Herbal skin care. Lavender, marigold, thyme and fennel are good examples of herbs that are known to possess antiseptic properties. Lavender water and rose water also form good toners.

Tea plays an important part in herbal skin care. Tea extracts are used for treatment of skin that has been damaged by UV radiation.

Oils prepared from herbal extracts present another means of herbal skin care. Tea tree oil, Lavender oil, borage oil and primrose oil are some popular oils used in herbal skin care. Some fruit oils (e.g. extracts from fruits like banana, apple and melon) find use in shower gels (as a hydrating mix)

Homeopathic treatments and aromatherapies also come under the umbrella of herbal skin care remedies.

Herbal skin care is good not only for the routine nourishing of skin but also for treatment of skin disorders like eczema and psorasis. Most herbal skin care products don’t have any side effects (the most important reason for preferring them over synthetic products) Moreover, herbal skin care products can be easily made at home, hence making them even more attractive. So, herbal skin care is the way to go. However, this does not mean that you totally discard the synthetic products. Some people go to the extent of debating with their dermatologist, if he/she suggests a synthetic product. You should accept the fact that some skin orders might need usage of clinically proven non-herbal skin care products.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Acne Skin Care

Acne is defined as a diseased condition of the skin that involves the hair and oil glands. It is characterised by pimples, black/white heads, reddishness and cysts. Face acne can spoil your appearance to a great extent and body acne can really ruin your day by making you very uncomfortable. Considering acne as a minor problem, some people tend to totally discard the topic of ‘Acne skin care’. However, the importance of ‘Acne skin care’ cannot be undermined in any way.

Acne skin care should really start much before the acne actually appears. ‘Acne skin care’ is more about being proactive than reactive. Acne skin care is about being aware of preventive measures. Acne skin care is - following daily skin care routines with complete discipline. So let’s have a look at how ‘acne skin care’ can be applied to our daily routine.

‘Acne skin care’ starts with the most basic thing - cleanliness. So morning showers are the most basic way of keeping the skin clean. In fact, a lot of people take night showers too (that not only helps in keeping your skin clean but also provides relaxation to your body and enables a good sleep). If you are living in a hot and/or humid place, a night shower becomes a must. In fact, a shower is recommended after any activity that causes high levels of sweat to develop. It’s a very effective ‘acne skin care’ technique.

However, acne skin care is not about just showers. Acne skin care is also about wearing clean clothes and sleeping on clean pillows. Moreover, too tight clothes can cause sweat to accumulate quickly; so soft and comfortable cotton clothes are recommended, especially if you already have acne. In the same sense, ‘acne skin care’ also advocates regular cleaning of your make-up brush and any equipment that you use on your body.

Besides that, you should also use a mild, water-soluble, oil-free and soap-free cleanser for keeping your face, neck and arms clean. Cleansing is the most important part of any acne skin care routine. Cleaners are the easiest and the most effective way of removing dirt, grease, pollutants and excess oil from your skin; thus reducing the probability of acne occurrence. Acne skin care also recommends removing your make up using a make up remover, and this should happen before you go to bed (not in the morning).

If you already have acne, do not try to touch them or squeeze them; it can lead to permanent scars. ‘Acne skin care’ advocates gentle cleansing and cleaning of the affected area using an over-the-counter medication and a clean/soft cotton pad. There are various acne skin care creams and lotions available over-the-counter (a lot of these acne skin care products are actually cleansers). However, if these ‘acne skin care’ measures don’t give you the desired results, contact a dermatologist for ‘acne skin care’ advice and treatment.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Friday, November 16, 2007

Acne and Acne Treatments

Acne is a menace. However, it’s not something that cannot be tackled. There are loads of acne skin care products around. We can classify acne skin care products into 3 broad categories –

* Preventive or general acne skin care products
* Over-the-counter, specialized acne skin care products
* On-prescription acne skin care products.

The general acne skin care products are the ones that are used as acne-prevention measure. These include cleansers, make-up removers and similar products that help prevent acne. In the real sense, these acne skin care products are just those that should always be part of your daily routine. However, some of these are more oriented to act like an acne skin care product. These acne skin care products act against the causes of acne e.g. limiting the production of sebum/oil and preventing clogging of skin pores. Basically, these acne skin care products prevent the oil from getting trapped in pores and hence hamper the growth of bacteria that lead to acne. The general acne skin care products also include exfoliation products like skin peels. These work towards removing dead skin cells, hence reducing the possibility of pore-clogging and bacteria development.

Then there are specialized acne skin care products that are available over-the-counter i.e. without the need of a prescription. These include products like vanishing creams which extract the extra oil from the skin. Most of these acne skin care products are based on benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, both of which are the enemies of bacteria (and hence acne). You should start with a product that has lower concentration of benzoyl peroxide (e.g. 5%) and see how your skin responds to it. Alpha-hydroxy-acid based moisturizers are also popular as acne skin care products. You might have to try a few, before you zero-in on the acne skin care product that is effective for you. If nothing seems to work, you should contact a dermatologist.

On-prescription acne skin care products are the ones that are prescribed by a dermatologist. This can include ointments that can be applied on the affected area or oral antibiotics or just any topical treatment. Dermatologist could also suggest a minor surgical procedure to remove the contents of pustules. However, never try to squeeze or do this by yourself, it can lead to permanent damage of your skin. Your doctor could also prescribe a hormone-based treatment (since hormonal changes are also known to cause acne). Such acne skin care products are known to be very effective in some cases. So, with all those acne skin care products, tackling acne is not that difficult.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Cardio Interval Training

In a long-term study of the health of the people of in the United States, the U.S. Public Health Service documented the chances of developing heart disease among various groups in the population. Long before any symptoms appeared, epidemiological research could identify high-risk groups.

Among the highest risk factors are males, over 35, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, high levels of certain blood fats, and a family history of cardiovascular disorders.

Other researchers have added to this list another risk factor: the compulsive, hard-driving, highly anxious personality. The greater the number of severity, the greater the person’s overall risk.

These threats to the heart can be divided into two main categories: those beyond individual control, such as age, sex, and heredity, and those that can be controlled, avoided, or even eliminated. Among those in the second category are what cardiologists call “the triple threat.” These are the high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and high cholesterol levels in the blood.

If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, your risk of having a heart attack is twice that of a nonsmoker. If you smoke, have hypertension, and eat a diet high in fats without any exercise at all, your risk is five times greater than normal.

The Healthy Heart

If these risk factors endanger the heart’s health, what enhances its well-being and improves its odds of working long and well?

Obviously, quitting cigarettes and eating a low-fat diet will help. The next best thing you can do for your heart’s sake is to give it what it needs: regular exercise or a complete cardio interval training.

The heart is a muscle, or, more accurately, a group or “package” of muscles, similar in many ways to the muscles of the arms and legs. And just as exercise strengthens and improves limb muscles, it enhances the health of the heart muscles as well.

Since World War II, several large-scale statistical studies have evaluated the relationship between physical activity and cardiovascular disease. One well-known survey compared 31,000 drivers and conductors of some bus companies. The more sedentary drivers had a significantly higher rate of heart disease than the conductors, who walked around the buses and climbed stairs to the upper level.

The why and how behind these statistics were better explained by classic experiments with dogs whose coronary arteries were surgically narrowed to resemble those of humans with arteriosclerosis. Dogs who were exercised had much better blood flow than those kept inactive.

The exercise seemed to stimulate the development of new connections between the impaired and the nearly normal blood vessels, so exercised dogs had a better blood supply to all the muscle tissue of the heart. The human heart reacts in the same way to provide blood to the portion that was damaged by the heart attack.

To enable the damaged heart muscle to heal, the heart relies on new small blood vessels for what is called collateral circulation. These new branches on the arterial tress can develop long before a heart attack — and can prevent a heart attack if the new network takes on enough of the function of the narrowed vessels.

With all these facts, it is now boiled down to a single question: What should be done in order to prevent such dilemmas?

Some studies showed that moderate exercise several times a week is more effective in building up these auxiliary pathways than extremely vigorous exercise done twice as often.

The general rule is that exercise helps reduce the risk of harm to the heart. Some researches further attested the link between exercise and healthy heart based from the findings that the non-exercisers had a 49% greater risk of heart attack than the other people included in the study. The study attributed a third of that risk to sedentary lifestyle alone.

Hence, when employing the cardio interval training, you can absolutely expect positive results not only on areas that concerns your cardiovascular system but on the overall status of your health as well.

This particular activity, which is definitely good for the heart, is a cycle of “repeated segments” that is of intense nature. In this process, there is an interchange period of recuperation. It can be both comprehensive activity and moderate motion.

Consequently, the benefits of merely engaging in this kind of activity can bring you more results that you have ever expected. These are:

1. The threats of heart attacks are lessened, if not eliminated

2. Enhanced heart task

3. Increase metabolism, increase the chance of burning calories, therefore, assist you in losing weight

4. Improves lung capacity

5. Helps lessen or eliminate the cases of stress

Indeed, cardio interval training is the modern way of creating a healthy, happy heart and body.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Wondrous Benefits of Soy Protein

Soy protein has emerged as one of the great alternative protein sources for human consumption. Health experts are all excited about how soy protein is changing the face of nutrition. What’s all the rage? Here are some great reasons to consider using soy protein.

Soy beans contain complete protein and have one of the best protein digestibility rates among all the protein sources. Soy beans also contain little or no fat and have virtually no cholesterol. Lactose intolerant people will be pleased to know that soy beans contain no lactose.

Being a plant protein, soy is free from steroids and antibiotics that animal protein contains. It is also free from the parasites that contaminate some of these products. Soy also contain none of the diseases that one can contract from meat sources such as Mad Cow Disease, and Foot and Mouth Disease.

Vegetarians love soy beans because they provide a comparable – if not better – source of protein as compared to their animal counterpart. Soy provides a protein that is better and easier to digest and is comparable to most protein supplements.

Soy beans are very versatile. Various cuisines, especially Asian ones recognize the value of the humble soy bean. A variety of naturally yummy delicacies are all soy based: tofu, soy pudding, Soya milk, and meat substitutes – not to mention condiments such as soy sauce, and hoi sin sauce.

To counter the problem of world hunger, the growing of soybeans has been suggested. Not only are soybeans easy to grow and harvest, they will grow pretty much anywhere and produces much in a short time. There have been farmers reported to have replaced their entire crop line with soy bean plants. These hardy little plants produce much per harvest, and, as said earlier, can grow in even the most trying terrain.

Soy is low in fat and can be used to substitute most protein sources. When cooking, you may use soy substitutes instead of flour for a low fat alternative. This makes it a great protein source for those that are looking to lose weight without compromising their protein requirements.

Bodybuilders are considering how this can make their jobs a lot easier. Without the fat and with all the protein goodness – easily digestible at that – bodybuilding has just received a great blessing with this food source.

Although these bodybuilders are currently debating how soy can be a help to bodybuilders, it doesn't take away anything from what soy can contribute to the overall health of a person.

It is very advisable to stick to natural protein rather than processed protein if possible, as processed foods typically have some risk attached to them. The best use of this food can be attributed to how it perfectly fits into anyone’s low-fat, high-protein diet.

Soy products can be incorporated into shakes and drinks. And being lactose-free, lactose intolerant people will still be able to get their milkshake fix without having to suffer so.

Soy products are also a great source of other nutrients such as saponins, isoflavones, and phytosterol. Saponins help support a healthy immune system. They also combines with cholesterol to avoid increased absorption of cholesterol in the body. Phytosterols also help reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the body in the same way saponins do.

Isoflavones are powerful antioxidants and prevent the effects of free radicals in the body. They prevent many of the signs of aging and have been known to help prevent cancer. This alone makes soy a miracle protein source in its own right.

Isoflavones, along with vitamins A,C, and E are among the front liners in the fight against such disease – they also counter the effects of pollution, and stress.

Unlike other protein sources, it is pretty safe to consume a wide amount of soy products. While allergies to soy products exist, cases are few and far between. When changing to a soy diet, however, it would be best to consult your physician or your nutritionist. Ask specifically if the soy interferes with any prescription drugs you are taking.

Soy can be great blessing for people who are looking for a great source of protein that does not entail the side effects of most of the other sources. It would be advisable for one to explore how it can improve one’s diet.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Benefits of Fish Oil for Fitness and Health

When the words oils and fats are mentioned, health-conscious individuals tend to run for cover. What they fail to realize is that there are good fats and bad fats. Complete avoidance of intake of oils and fats would actually be detrimental – rather than beneficial – to their health.

The Truth about Fish Oil
Essential fatty acids must always be part of our daily diet – without them, we take one step closer to our deaths. Essential fatty acids are divided into two families: omega-6 EFAs and omega-3 EFAS.

Although there are only very slight differences to distinguish the two groups of essential fatty acids from each other, studies have revealed that too much intake of omega-6 EFAs can lead to inflammation, blood clotting and tumor growth. The good news, however, is that the opposite is true for omega-3 EFAs. Omega-6 EFAs can be found in vegetable oils while omega-3 EFAs can be found in fish oils among other foods.

Omega-6 vs. Omega-3
Physicians and scientists are of the same opinion that the cause behind increasing cases of heart disease, hypertension or high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, premature aging and certain kinds of cancer is none other than an imbalanced intake of omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs.

As mentioned earlier on, omega-6 EFAs can be found in vegetable oils. This includes but are not limited to corn oil and soy oil, both of which contains high amounts of linoleic acid. Omega-3 EFAs on the other hand can be found also in marine plankton and walnut and flax seed oils. It should be significant to take note that fatty fish and fish oils contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), fatty acids that have been observed to provide many benefits to the human body. In the early 1970’s, a study on Greenland Eskimos have revealed that one of the major reasons why they rarely suffer from heart diseases is because of their high-fat diet (mainly composed of fish).

The two essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, are also helpful in preventing atherosclerosis, heart attacks, depression and various forms of cancer. Fish oil supplemented food have also proven to be useful in treating illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Raynaud’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Other Benefits of Fish Oil
There are a lot more illnesses and situations in which intake of fish oil has proven to be significantly beneficial.

Making the Heart Healthier
The heart is unarguably one of the most important parts of our body and having an unhealthy heart means having to suffer a rather limited lifespan. Naturally, it’s in our best interests to keep our hearts happy and healthy and one way of doing that is eating food that contains fish oil.

In Athens, Greece, for instance, a study was made to show if there was a direct relationship between high fish diet and inflammation of blood vessels. The results revealed that those who ate more fish than the others had a lower level of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, factors that are commonly used to measure likelihood of blood vessel inflammation. These benefits remained even when the various risks associated with high fish diet were taken into account.

Fish to Become Thin
In Perth, Australia, a study had revealed that fish consumption can be used against hypertension and obesity. Researchers of the UWA (University of Western Australia) have discovered that a weight-loss diet which includes a regular amount of fish consumption can be quite effective in reducing blood pressure and improving glucose tolerance.

Fish Oil to Combat Asthma
People suffering from respiratory problems like asthma tend to be perceived as unfit and unhealthy. They should now be pleased to learn that certain studies have revealed the benefits of fish oil for asthma-burdened-individuals. Statistics show that approximately 20 to 25% of children today suffer one form of asthma or another at a certain point in their lives. And certain evidence reveals a regular diet of food with high linoleic acid content as the reason behind it.

Researchers of UW (University of Wyoming) conducted a study by subjecting a number of children to a high-fish diet while others continued with their regular diet. Results revealed that the participants who ate more fish were less prone to asthma attacks and were able to breathe more easily as well.

Consult Your Nutritionist Now
Nothing is good when consumed or used excessively but complete avoidance of a particular food type is equally harmful as well. Ask your nutritionist for the right amount of fish intake for your age and health status.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Friday, November 02, 2007

The Basics of Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine is a term used to refer to medical practices outside the realm of conventional medicine. Alternative solutions are sometimes new and untested in the scientific field of conventional medicine, which is stamped with the approval of the federal government. These alternatives, sometimes focus on or contain a religious, spiritual or metaphysical element. Here is a list of some of the more popular alternative medicines available.

Acupuncture – Is the art of inserting tiny needles underneath the skin that stimulate targeted areas of the body. Acupuncture is most often used in the relief of pain and to aid in healing the body.

Apitherapy – Also known as Bee Therapy, is the practice of using honey and venom from the honeybee for treatments. This is popular for use in health and beauty products and healing treatments where raw honey, bee pollen and royal jelly is used.

Biofeedback – This is a procedure that uses a machine that gives feedback on the body. The feedback helps health care providers chart the body's functions. These machines are used to chart internal functions with greater accuracy than a human alone is capable of, and the results are used to determine and gauge how well the treatments are working. Biofeedback has been used to help people with their emotional disorders, digestive disorders, stress, migraines and heart irregularities. The machine alerts people to the idea of how their own emotions and thoughts come into play with regards to illness and treatments.

Chiropractics – This is a form of back treatment that has been around for awhile, Chiropractics focus on the vertebrae not being properly aligned, there by contributing to a variety of pains, illnesses and diseases. Chiropractics also focuses on stress, overall health and lifestyle. In general, a chiropractor applies pressure in small amounts to various vertebrae, helping them realign. By keeping the vertebrae in alignment, it is believed that this will aid in the treat of common diseases like asthma, troubled backs and arthritis.

Feng Shui - Is a philosophy that is said to bring harmony into lives, that features not only the four basic elements of earth, fire, water and air, but a fifth; metal. By aligning these elements throughout clutter-free homes, workplaces, outdoors and other environments, peace and tranquility are said to follow.

Healing Crystals – Minerals that have crystallized are said to contain certain healing powers. For example, ancient grave sites house them as a means of protection in the afterlife. In the modern world, many believe these crystals house healing powers. For example, to treat stomach pain, some healers place charged quartz crystals on the lower abdomen area in order to restore energy there.

Herbal Remedies – Applying herbs to certain ailments helps with the healing of many conditions. Among popular treatments are a half-and-half solution of witch hazel and water to help clear up acne, lavender scented oils and candles to sooth stress and garlic on top of warts is thought to help in their removal.

There are many other alternative medical treatments available. But, before trying any of these treatments consult with your family doctor.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Diet and Food Affect Your Blood Pressure

You should be aware that what you eat can affect your blood pressure. Watching your diet can be very beneficial in keeping your blood pressure normal. Even if you have never had a problem with high blood pressure, taking necessary precautions can be beneficial in the long term.

You could try a Vegetarian diet. In this diet you will get many of the following:

• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Vitamin A & C
• Potassium
• Complex Carbohydrates
• Polyunsaturated Fat
• Fiber

All of these can have a big impact on your blood pressure.

Sugar can also increase your blood pressure, especially common table sugar, sucrose. Try to limit your intake of sugar. Instead, start a diet high in fiber which has been proven to effectively lower blood pressure. Along with lowering your blood pressure this diet will also help you reduce your cholesterol levels and even promote weight loss.

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is very important as well. Any diet that includes consuming fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy foods and is low in total fat, cholesterol and saturated fat has proven to be effective in lowering blood pressure.

Many people use more salt than they are aware of. Maybe because some of us are just used to automatically salting our food unaware if it was salted when being cooked. (If eating out) Reducing your salt intake will also help lower your blood pressure.

A diet high in potassium and low in sodium also reduces your blood pressure, by reducing the effects of adrenaline. If you reduce your sodium intake you must also increase your potassium intake.

There are some vegetables and spices that help control your blood pressure. Many of these are very common vegetables and spices so you may be helping your blood pressure and not even know it.

Onions' essential oil is very beneficial. If you have two to three tablespoons of this essential onion oil a day, it could help reduce your systolic levels. Tomatoes are also beneficiary to controlling blood pressure. They are high in GABA, a compound that helps lower your blood pressure.

Broccoli contains several blood pressure reducing ingredients. Carrots also have many compounds that do the same. Introducing these vegetables to your diet will do wonders for your blood pressure. Even if you don't suffer from high blood pressure, it's best to keep it at a safe level and take the extra precautions to get there.

Garlic and celery are also great to add to your diet. Garlic is good for the heart, which you've probably been told before. Eating just one clove of garlic a day has been proven to be beneficial.

Whatever diet you choose or whatever foods you try to limit, remember you are doing it for your health. Many people learn to enjoy healthier foods as they get older. If you have any questions or concerns about your blood pressure get with your doctor. They will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you might have. Taking care of your health is very important and will make you feel much better.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Wisdom of the Ancients: 5000 Year-Old Medical Secret Unearthed!

When you get sick, you go to see your doctor. And the doctor will, of course, prescribe medications. You take these medications and hopefully, you get well. This is how the health profession goes on a daily basis – a cycle of diagnosis and prescription. If anyone were to give you herbs instead of medications, you would probably say that that person was a quack. But now, studies are being conducted to see if there really are any merits to what is called natural medicine.

Natural medicine is the use of natural methods, such as herbal medicines, and traditional practices to heal ailments. Every culture has some form of natural medicine. In many ancient cultures, village medicine men served as the doctors of the community, passing on medical knowledge to their apprentices that followed them.

Many categories of the healing methods fall under natural medicine. Among these are traditional medicine, complementary medicine, and alternative medicine. Usually, natural medicine refers to medical practices that were in place before the advent of modern medicine. This includes herbal medicine, or phytotherapy, which is prevalent in Chinese, Ayurvedic(or Indian), and Greek medicine.

Upon the advent of modern medicine, many professionals discarded the use of herbs in favor of man-made medicine. The fact that these treatments are based on the healing properties of some herbs was forgotten. For example, opium, digitalis, quinine, and aspirin all have their roots in traditional medicine.

Natural medicine can be considered as a lost art. This does not mean that it has lost efficacy over time. In some cases, natural therapy is actually better than modern medicine. This leads some doctors to seriously consider and study the possible uses of natural medicine. Before we continue, it is important to stress that not all the natural remedies are legitimate. It would be best to only try those remedies which have been thoroughly studied and are relatively risk free.

Take herbal medicine for example. There are many well-documented and studied herbal remedies available. However, only those that deal with minor ailments such as cough, colds, fever, skin rashes, and their like, are likely to be recommended by health professionals. These remedies are sometimes superior to synthetic medicine. This is because herbal medicines are less likely to cause negative side effects.

Currently there are numerous organizations that study the effects and advocacy of natural medicine – among which is herbal medicine. Some governments and health agencies openly advocate the use of natural methods since they are inexpensive and relatively risk-free. As they continue to compile these
studies, more herbs and treatments are added to the list of accepted medicines. However, many herbs and treatments have been proven to be bogus medicines. This represents a challenge for both the user and the agencies because they have to ascertain that the treatments they either use or advocate are legitimate.

There exist today many alternative medical treatments that fall under the heading of natural medicine. However, not all of them have been proven to be effective. You could mention homeopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and other alternative medical treatments. It would pay to consult the experts as to the legitimacy of these treatments.

Natural medicine should also be thought of as an accompanying medicine. Right now, the current collective medical thought suggests that natural medicine be used only to supplement accepted modern medical practices. In the case of some minor ailments your doctor will actually advise you to take natural therapies instead.

The practice of modern medicine revolves around diagnosing an illness and prescribing treatments for such. Natural medicine is helpful because it suggests that treatment can be given any time, not just when your sick. Natural medicine strives to make each patient practice good health habits. These habits include good diet, healthy living, and the regular natural treatment. It is this same line of thought that leads our parents to tell us to eat our vegetables. Yes, it is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle and will do no harm to our well-being. And this is also the foundation of natural medicine – be it massage, herbal medicine, aromatherapy or others.

It is funny but true that science, in its quest for excellence, is studying the knowledge of ages past. This, surprisingly, leads us back to the remedies nature, it's self, offers. The possibilities of finding remedies to everyday illnesses in natural medicine are encouraging. So staying tuned to these studies about natural remedies is worthwhile; until we can verify that these therapies are truly helpful to our health and our society.

Copyright © Neil Harper
Going Herbal?

Many people nowadays are turning to “organics” and “naturals” otherwise known as herbals. The rising popularity of herbal supplements has created a new fad if not a new health lifestyle. But before you join the bandwagon, here are some things you need to know about this mean, “green” dietary supplementing machine.

1. What is the difference between a drug and a dietary supplement?

According to the definition set by the food and drug administrations in different countries, drugs are chemicals that can prevent, prolong the life, treat other effects of a health condition, improve the quality of life, and/or cure ailments and diseases, or alter the function of any part or chemicals inside the body. These drugs have approved therapeutic claims. For example, paracetamol is a drug given to bring down the body temperature in fever. Ascorbic acid is indicated for the treatment of scurvy. Iron supplements are given to treat mild cases of anemia.

Herbal supplements are not classified as drugs but as dietary supplements. The main difference is that they do not have approved therapeutic claims, unlike the case of drugs. Moreover, dietary supplements could either contain vitamins, minerals, herbals, or amino acids, all aimed to add to or supplement the diet of an individual. They are not intended to be taken alone as a substitute to any food or medicine.

Most of the manufactured medicines we now have once came from animals and plants. Through the years, chemists isolated the life-saving or life-curing components and separated them from the harmful ones. This lead to the further drug research and drug development that lead to the production of a different variety of drugs for many ailments and conditions from synthetic sources. But still we have semi-synthetic drugs, as well as drugs that more or less approximate more natural composition. Since herbal supplements are made from a mixture of crude herbs reduced into powder or gel form, and later on packaged as tablets and capsules, there is a possibility that life-threatening or at least body chemistry-altering components are still present, thus the expression of concern from the medical community.

2. Is there a growing concern with the use of herbal supplements?

Yes. With the rising popularity of using and consuming anything herbal or organic is the proliferation of fake herbal supplements that threaten to endanger lives. If that’s the case, then why are herbal supplements given drug administration approvals? One way of ensuring the safety of the people is to have all candidate drugs, food, drinks, and dietary supplements registered with the proper authority. Otherwise, they would pose more risk with these things being sold in the black market for a hefty sum. We could ensure the quality and safety of herbal supplements if they get proper classification with the food and drug administration. Moreover, people may be able to file the proper complaints in the event of a worsening health condition if proven to be linked to the use of a particular herbal supplement.

3. Is using herbal supplements worth the risk?

Yes. It cannot be discounted that many who have tried herbal supplements experienced an improvement in their health—whether this is due to the herbals themselves or due to a placebo effect, as long as they do not worsen the condition of an individual, then using them is worth the risk. But of course, certain things must be considered before taking those herbal supplements:

4. Your doctor knows best.

First of all, clear your condition with your doctor. Ask him/her if taking a particular herbal supplement is safe given your health condition. People with heart, liver, or kidney trouble or malfunction, are usually not advised to take these, or at least to take these herbals in minimum amounts. All substances pass through the liver and kidneys to be processed and filtered respectively. Kava, which is used to relieve people from stress, has been pulled out from the Canadian, Singaporean, and German markets because it contains substances that cause liver damage. Certain herbals such as Ephedra used for losing weight, contains chemicals with heart-inducing effects that can increase heart rate, which in turn can exhaust the heart and cause heart attacks in several documented cases by the American Medical Association.

5. Follow the directions for use.

Never take more herbal supplements than what is directed by the doctor or as instructed on the bottle. Each individual reacts differently to the components of herbal supplements. While it is perfectly safe for one individual to take in a supplement of primrose oil capsules, another person may be allergic to it. So, do not even think about downing a bottle of any herbal supplements without first consulting with your doctor.

6. It has no approved curative effect.

No matter how the product pamphlet or the label of the bottle sounds about how it has been found to be helpful in certain health conditions, these herbal supplements are not therapeutic. So do not substitute these for the medications prescribed by your doctor for the treatment of certain diseases, or for the maintenance of blood pressure, lowering of blood sugar and cholesterol, and fighting off infections.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Monday, October 29, 2007

It's Time to Start a Healthy Life

How many times have you gone to sleep at night, swearing you'll go to the gym in the morning, and then changing your mind just eight hours later because when you get up, you don't feel like exercising?

While this can happen to the best of us, it doesn't mean you should drop the ball altogether when it comes to staying fit. What people need to realize is that staying active and eating right are critical for long-term health and wellness -- and that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The more you know about how your body responds to your lifestyle choices, the better you can customize a nutrition and exercise plan that is right for you.

When you eat well, increase your level of physical activity, and exercise at the proper intensity, you are informing your body that you want to burn a substantial amount of fuel. This translates to burning fat more efficiently for energy. In other words, proper eating habits plus exercise equals fast metabolism, which, in turn gives you more energy throughout the day and allows you to do more physical work with less effort.

The true purpose of exercise is to send a repetitive message to the body asking for improvement in metabolism, strength, aerobic capacity and overall fitness and health. Each time you exercise, your body responds by upgrading its capabilities to burn fat throughout the day and night, Exercise doesn't have to be intense to work for you, but it does need to be consistent.

I recommend engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise four times per week for 20 to 30 minutes per session, and resistance training four times per week for 20 to 25 minutes per session. This balanced approach provides a one-two punch, incorporating aerobic exercise to burn fat and deliver more oxygen, and resistance training to increase lean body mass and burn more calories around the block.

Here's a sample exercise program that may work for you:

* Warm Up -- seven to eight minutes of light aerobic activity intended to increase blood flow and lubricate and warm-up your tendons and joints.

* Resistance Training -- Train all major muscle groups. One to two sets of each exercise. Rest 45 seconds between sets.

* Aerobic Exercise -- Pick two favorite activities, they could be jogging, rowing, biking or cross-country skiing, whatever fits your lifestyle. Perform 12 to 15 minutes of the first activity and continue with 10 minutes of the second activity. Cool down during the last five minutes.

* Stretching -- Wrap up your exercise session by stretching, breathing deeply, relaxing and meditating.

When starting an exercise program, it is important to have realistic expectations. Depending on your initial fitness level, you should expect the following changes early on.

* From one to eight weeks -- Feel better and have more energy.

* From two to six months -- Lose size and inches while becoming leaner. Clothes begin to fit more loosely. You are gaining muscle and losing fat.

* After six months -- Start losing weight quite rapidly.

Once you make the commitment to exercise several times a week, don't stop there. You should also change your diet and/or eating habits. Counting calories or calculating grams and percentages for certain nutrients is impractical. Instead, I suggest these easy-to-follow guidelines:

* Eat several small meals (optimally four) and a couple of small snacks throughout the day

* Make sure every meal is balanced -- incorporate palm-sized proteins like lean meats, fish, egg whites and dairy products, fist-sized portions of complex carbohydrates like whole-wheat bread and pasta, wild rice, multigrain cereal and potatoes, and fist-sized portions of vegetable and fruits

* Limit your fat intake to only what's necessary for adequate flavor

* Drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water throughout the day

* I also recommend that you take a multi-vitamin each day to ensure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

I need to extend my thanks to a doctor friend of mine. Without him, I would not have been able to write this article.

Enjoy life, we all deserve it.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Cerebral Palsy is a non progressive neuromuscular disorder causing mild to severe disabilities throughout life.This condition is manifested as a group of persisting qualitative motor disorders, which appear in young children due to damage of the brain during delivery or due to some pathological conditions in the intrauterine life.The neurological problems are multiple but non progressive in nature.Approximately 2 per 100 live birth are having this problem.This disease is shows no hereditary tendency.

Causes of cerebral palsy:

1. Injury to the brain during delivery.

2. As a complication of forceps delivery.

3. Lack of oxygen supply to the baby during delivery.

4. Infections during delivery.

Signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy:

The signs and symptoms may not be similar in all babies affected.Depending upon the damage to the brain there may be mild to severe lesions.

Mild cases - 20% of children will have mild disability.

Moderate cases - 50% of cases are having moderate disability.The affected children require self help for assisting their impaired ambulation capacity.

Severe cases - About 30% of the affected children are totally incapacitated and bedridden and they always need care from others.

Abnormal findings in cerebral palsy:

1. Abnormal neonatal reflexes.

2. Stiffness of all muscles with awkward motion.

3. Extension of extremities on vertical suspension of the infant.

4. Scissoring of the lower limbs due to spasm of the abductor muscles of the thigh.

5. In severe cases the back bend backwards like and arch.

6. May have total or partial paralysis.

7. Arrest of neurological and behavioral development.

8. Swallowing may be difficult in some cases.

9. Drooling of saliva.

10. Mild to severe mental retardation.

11. Abnormal movements are seen in some cases.

12. Tremors with typical movements.

13. If cerebellum is affected there will be loss of muscle tone with difficulty in walking.

14. Complete or partial loss of hearing.

15. Speech may be affected.

16. Squint and other visual problems may be associated.

17. Convulsions may be seen in some children.

Cerebral palsy is diagnosed by detailed clinical examination and by eliminating other similar diseases like brain tumors, progressive atrophy etc. All investigations like CT scans, MRI and routine investigations are needed to rule
out other diseases.

Management of cerebral palsy:

General management:
This includes proper nutrition and personal care. Symptomatic medicines are needed to reduce convulsions and muscle stiffness. Diazepam can reduce spasticity and athetosis. Dantrolene sodium helps to relax skeletal muscles.

Here massage,exercise, hydrotherapy etc. are needed. Special training is given to train walking, swallowing and talking.The affected children are also trained to hold articles for routine activities.

Moral and social support should be given to these children.They should be sent to special schools where special training can be given by trained staff. Mentally retarded children need special training. Depending up on the disability, special instruments and machines are given for locomotion and to assist in their day to day activities.

Occupational therapy:
This is given by occupational therapists.They train the disabled person to do some suitable works so that these people can have their own income.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Thursday, October 25, 2007

What You Need To Know About Blood Pressure Medication

Have you tried changing your lifestyle to control your blood pressure only to find it isn't helping very much? Sometimes lifestyle changes alone aren't enough and need to be combined with blood pressure medication.

There are several different kinds of blood pressure medications available on the market today. Much of the time your doctor will prescribe two different medications instead of just one. Here is a list of some of the main blood pressure medications available today:

• Alpha-Blockers: This medicine reduces nerve impulses to your blood vessels allowing easier flowing of the blood making your blood pressure decrease.

• Alpha-Beta-Blockers: These work just like the alpha-blockers but also slow your heart beat. This means less blood pumps through your vessels making your blood pressure decrease.

• Nervous System Inhibitors: This medication relaxes your blood vessels by controlling the nerve impulses making your vessels wider and decreasing blood pressure.

• Beta-Blockers: These reduce your nerve impulses to your heart and blood vessels, making your heart beat decrease while dropping your blood pressure.

• Diuretics: These are also known as 'water pills,' a very common medication. These diuretics work in your kidney, flushing out all excess sodium along with water from your body.

• Vasodilators: These open your blood vessels directly by relaxing the muscle in your vessel walls which then causes your blood pressure to decrease.

• ACE Inhibitors: ACE stands for 'Angiotensin converting enzyme.' These inhibitors prevent a hormone called angiotensin II from forming, which will usually cause your blood vessels to narrow. They help the vessels relax which makes your blood pressure decrease.

• Angiotensin Antagonists: These block your blood vessels from angiotensin II. When blocked these vessels can widen letting your blood pressure decrease.

• Calcium Channel Blockers: These keep any calcium from entering your heart's muscle cells and your blood vessels causing your blood pressure to decrease.

A possible alternate to having to take medication is watching a few lifestyle habits. For instance a healthy diet can help control your blood pressure. Reduce your salt intake and substitute other seasonings. Add lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, especially green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale.

Try to get at least thirty minutes of physical activity or exercise every day. You don't have to do it all at once. Ten minutes here and there is just as effective.

Keep your stress level at a minimum. High stress will increase your blood pressure. Find something you enjoy doing and that relaxes you, this will help you control your stress levels. Then make the time to do it whenever you find yourself stressed out, this in turn will help you control your blood pressure.

Cut back on tobacco use and alcohol consumption. Quitting is much more beneficial but isn't always easy. There are many resources and products available to help you quit either one or both of these habits.

Sometimes these lifestyle changes alone will not work alone. Your doctor may need to prescribe a blood pressure medication. Talk with your doctor to find out what would be better for you and your blood pressure. Ask any questions you may have and if you are taking other medications be sure to inform your doctor. Some medications including oral contraceptives and cold medicines can effect your blood pressure.

Copyright © Neil Harper
Bad Habits Can Affect Your Overall Health

Bad habits can often have adverse effects on your health. They can make you feel unwell and cause long-term affects on your physical condition. If you want to live a long and healthy life, there may be some bad habits you need to overcome.

Many of the bad habits that make you feel poorly are related to diet and nutrition. A growing number of people in the US are becoming obese. This is mainly due to the fact that they have developed the bad habit of overeating, as well as eating to much "junk" food.

This can lead to numerous health problems and diseases. Heart disease, diabetes, bone and joint distress, and many other physical conditions can result. Even some forms of cancer occur more often in obese people. Moreover, very obese people are often bedridden and cannot care for themselves.

Some people do not have the habit of overeating. They just eat the wrong things when they do eat. They may eat fast foods at every meal. This can literally make you sick and cause weight gain as well. The high quantities of fats, sugars, and starches in fast foods make them very unhealthy.

Other foods can be bad habits as well. Fried foods cause health problems such as raising cholesterol and clogging arteries. Foods that are low in fiber lack a substance the body needs to function well. It is a bad habit to avoid high fiber foods. Foods high in sugar are bad habits, if not addictions. They affect the metabolism in drastic ways, causing an imbalance in energy and insulin, which can lead to diabetic conditions.

People have trouble knowing what kinds of electrolytes they need. Some people have bad habits when it comes to salt. They will salt all the food on their plate as soon as they sit down, without even tasting it first. Too much salt can lead to hypertension and even high blood pressure.

Even if you eat right, you will be weak if you do not exercise. Living a inactive lifestyle is a bad habit. You may not have much choice about how much movement is allowed at your job. That does not mean that you cannot get out and get your heart beating before or after work.

In fact, if you do not have time to exercise outside of work, you probably have another bad habit in the health area. Overworking is a cause for several illnesses. High blood pressure, heart disease, and others can plague you if you do not stop and take time to relax at home.

A discussion of bad health habits would not be complete without reference to smoking, drinking, and drugs. Each of these has dire health risks that are known by most people. If you smoke, you might get lung cancer. You might also get COPD, another breathing disorder. If you drink, you might have liver failure. Drugs can do all kinds of damage, including damage to your brain and heart.

Others care about your health, as you should care, too. It may be difficult, but kicking your bad habits and making yourself healthy again is a worthy goal to aspire to. Why not start today?

Copyright © Neil Harper

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cardiovascular Care Is About More Than Just The Heart

Heart conditions often occur when the coronary arteries, the vessels that carry blood to the heart, become blocked. Vascular conditions are caused by blockages in the arteries that supply blood to other parts of the body, such as the brain, arms, legs and kidneys. Some common vascular diseases include:
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Carotid artery disease

Most people with vascular disease have no symptoms until an artery becomes severely blocked. Although early detection is possible through a series of sophisticated screenings and diagnostic tests. These included vascular ultrasounds, CT (computed tomography) scans, and angiography, an x-ray exam of the blood vessels.

Vascular diseases are most commonly treated with surgery. Many new and less invasive techniques have been developed to preform vascular surgery. These techniques are known as endovascular procedures and are preformed within the blood vessels. These procedures result in smaller, or in some cases no incisions, less pain, and faster recovery time.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Children and High Blood Pressure

Did you know that babies can develop high blood pressure? Many might think of this as uncommon but it really isn't. When babies have high blood pressure it is usually because they are premature or have a kidney or a heart problem. When older children have high blood pressure it is usually a result of their family history.

As you might have noticed there is an increase in obesity in children today. This also increases their chances of developing high blood pressure, putting them at a greater risk of developing health problems. A great way to prevent this is to have your child's blood pressure checked often as they get older.

Some other ways to help are by watching your child's diet and making sure they get plenty of exercise. Some kids are not as active today what with video games and all. Try to get your child involved in activities on a regular basis from an early age. It will benefit them health wise as well as boost their self esteem later down the road.

Just like adults, it is easy to control your child's blood pressure. Watch their diet, especially in the area of snack foods. Be sure they are getting the right nutrition and limit their intake of salt. Get them eating fresh fruits and vegetables. While many children don't like vegetables, there are many ways to overcome this. You can spice up any recipe that involves vegetables.

Physical activity is a big key to any healthy lifestyle. Getting your child involved in physical activity while young will help ensure they stay active and healthy as they get older. Involve them in a sport of their choosing and take walks with them. Both of you will benefit from this.

If your family has a history of high blood pressure, be sure your children get routine check ups. This will help to ensure they do not develop high blood pressure and if they do, you can start controlling it. Remember stress can raise blood pressure and while children shouldn't be stressed, many of them are.

Children deal with stress just like adults, just in different ways. Talk with your child and stay active in their life and what goes on. You want them to have a happy and healthy life and you can help them achieve that goal.

If you are unable to control your child's blood pressure through their diet and exercise, you might have to turn to medication. Talk with your doctor and let them know what you have already tried. Sometimes this is not enough alone, but with medication, you can help control it.

Try to exercise with your child every day. Exercising alone sometimes is harder for children and adults alike. You can get involved with your child this way and it will benefit both of you.

Talk with your teenager about not smoking and drinking. These both cause high blood pressure and once they know the risks they are less likely to try them. Do not think your child is immune from developing any health problems along with high blood pressure.

Remember that blood pressure increases with age until you are around fifty. If you get a head start on watching yours and your child's at an early age, you will both benefit very well in the end.

Copyright © Neil Harper
Balance and Your Fitness Routine

Balance is important for just about everything we do. Walking, running, playing basketball, or just putting away the groceries, you're constantly losing and regaining your balance as you change positions. Good balance helps you move more efficiently and lowers your risk of injury. Balance also plays an important role in preventing falls.

Using balance-training tools, including wobble boards and balance boards, challenges your balancing system by changing the exercising surface. They also help you develop muscles critical to balance: hip, knee, ankle, and core abdominal and back muscles.

You can practice specific balance-training exercises with or without equipment. For example, stand on one leg with the other raised in front and bent at a 90 degree angle for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. Build up to 90 seconds at a time on each leg. Once you've mastered that , rise up on the toes of the supporting leg while performing the exercise.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Monday, October 22, 2007

There's Something in the Air

Lurking in your house are microscopic creatures called dust mites. Like any living thing, they eat. And they feed on the scales from your skin, called dander. It gets worse.

The tiny critters don't just eat; they excrete something that becomes an allergen. As if the thought of dust mites excreting allergens isn't enough, pets make the problem worse, emitting dander that creates a banquet for dust mites. And mold spores and fragments add to the mix of allergens in your house that make you sneeze, irritate your eyes or trigger asthma attacks.

The actual reaction starts when allergen particles settle in your nose, eyes or throat. Then, depending on your genetic makeup, your body's immune system may kick in to "battle" the foreign substance. This allergic reaction can be nonexistent, mild, moderate or severe.

When you spend more time indoors amid dust mites and dander, your reaction may become more noticeable and bothersome. Heating systems move both air and allergens around. And since less air is exchanged between inside and out, the dust and allergens are concentrated.

You could dust, clean and vacuum constantly and still not get rid of every dust mite and allergen. But there are steps you can take to minimize their effects.

Wash your bedding at least once a week in hot water. Add bleach or use a special anti-allergen detergent. You can even purchase dust mite-proof bedding and pillowcases. Buy an air purifier with a high-energy particulate air (HEPA) filter and run it for an hour before bed. Try to keep pets out of the bedroom, off the bed and off the furniture elsewhere.

Vacuum carpets and furniture at least once a week, preferably with a HEPA-equipped vacuum cleaner. Dust surfaces with a high quality dust cloth (and don't cut corners by dusting around knick-knacks). Carefully weigh the decision to use a humidifier. And, know that tobacco smoke irritates eyes, noses, and throats making allergy symptoms worse.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Who is at Risk for High Blood Pressure?

Do you know what the risks of high blood pressure are? Do you know if you are at risk? There are many different causes for high blood pressure. In this article you will find out if you are at risk, and how you can help prevent and control your high blood pressure.

Your blood pressure is high if it is over 120/80, which is the normal level for a persons' blood pressure. There are many everyday lifestyle habits that raise your pressure some of which you may not be aware of. One of these is being overweight. If you are overweight you are at a greater risk of developing high blood pressure.

Try to eat a healthy diet or begin a regular exercise routine. Even losing as little as ten pounds, can help you stay healthier and keep your blood pressure normal. Physical inactivity is also another cause for many Americans to develop high blood pressure.

If you are not very physically active, consider starting a regular routine. You can easily adapt exercise to your everyday lifestyle; you just have to plan it out. Try to do at least thirty minutes of exercise every day. This will help lower or control your blood pressure as well as cholesterol.

Most people are not concerned with what they eat, yet they want to be healthy. These two don't go together at all. If you want to stay healthy, you have to watch what you eat. Having unhealthy eating habits can cause high blood pressure as well as problems with cholesterol levels. Try to eat less salt or sodium and more vegetables and fruits; especially green leafy vegetables.

Using tobacco products greatly increases the risk of developing high blood pressure. Smoking is a very common habit. Many of the people who do smoke may have high blood pressure and not even know it. There are many ways to help break the habit of nicotine or use of any tobacco product.

Every one experience stress at some point during their lives. You may experience stress every day or just once in awhile. Whatever the case may be, you can still develop high blood pressure because of stress. If you find yourself stressed more often than not, consider some relaxation techniques. Meditation is a great way to relax. If this doesn't work, consider trying something different.

Drinking alcohol will also cause high blood pressure. Do you drink quite a bit? More than two drinks for a man and more than one for a woman can cause your blood pressure to rise. If you drink more than this, consider cutting back. Once again, if you are addicted to drinking, or smoking, there are many ways to help you quit. Try joining a support group.

There are many common lifestyle habits that can cause high blood pressure. If you are at risk for high blood pressure or already have it, consider purchasing a home blood pressure monitoring device. This can help ensure that whatever habits you are trying to change or modify are working.

However, sometimes this change is not enough. You might have to use some medication or incorporate medication with your exercise routine, etc. The best way to know this is to visit your doctor. Ask any and all questions you might be concerned about, like what medications are available and what there side effects are. Your doctor will be happy to assist you in having a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Copyright © Neil Harper
For The Women: Angry? Depressed? Is It PMS or PMDD?

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is not the same as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It's not the same as depression. But PMDD shares characteristics with both.

PMDD is more severe. Up to 75 percent of women report some changes around their periods - including bloating and irritability. PMS usually isn't diagnosed unless symptoms are serious enough to interfere with a woman's life. About 30 to 40 percent of women have PMS.

Between 3 and 7 percent of these women have PMDD. Women with PMDD always report severe depression, anxiety, or other mood changes in addition to physical symptoms. Their symptoms are more severe. While PMS may interfere with a women's life, PMDD is often debilitating.

Also women with PMS often respond well to self-care strategies. Women with PMDD may gain some relief from these strategies, but they usually need prescription medication before they feel significantly better.

The mood changes associated with PMDD only occur around a woman's menstrual cycle. Women with clinical depression experience no relief from their mood changes over the course of the month.

Researchers believe that PMDD may be linked to depression or anxiety disorders. Evidence suggests that many women with PMDD who aren't treated go on to develop full-fledged depression.

Although the cause of PMDD is still unknown, doctors use a list of symptoms to diagnose it. The symptoms should occur during the week before a women's period and last for a few days after her period starts. To have PMDD, a women must have five or more of the following symptoms, including at least one of the first four listed:
  • Deep depression
  • Severe tension or anxiety
  • Anger or irritability
  • Unexplained sadness or crying that comes suddenly
  • Lack of interest in usual activities
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Tiredness
  • Food cravings or chances in appetite
  • Sleep problems
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Physical symptoms - including sore breasts, headaches, joint or muscle pain, or weight gain

Treatment usually includes prescription antidepressants during certain times of the month. At least 60 percent of women find relief with these medicines. Hormonal therapies can also help.

Some self care strategies include:
  1. Reduce intake of caffeine and alcohol.
  2. Try eating small, frequent meals.
  3. Refrain from salty foods.
  4. Get regular exercise.
  5. Try over-the-counter painkillers.
  6. Relax regularly.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Caregivers: Take Steps To Avoid Burnout

More than 50 million Americans provide care for an adult who is disabled or ill. These caregivers provide an invaluable service. But because they focus so much attention on others' needs, caregivers often ignore their own needs and it takes a very high toll.

Caregivers are about twice as likely to be depressed, suffer from sleep deprivation, and have poor overall health as non-caregivers. In fact, the stress of caregiving could even shorten life. In a study reported in the journal American Family Physician, caregivers older than 65 who experienced stress while caring for an ailing spouse had a 63 percent higher risk of death in the next four years than those who were not caregivers.

Caregivers can reduce these risk by caring for themselves. Here are a few tips:
  1. Avoid the isolation that can come with caregiving. Stay in touch with family and friends. Consider joining a support group.
  2. Make sleep a priority. Research has found that chronic lack of sleep can increase the risk of depression, obesity, and heart disease.
  3. Exercise. Studies show that caregivers who engage in regular exercise have lower blood pressure and experience less stress, anxiety, anger, and depression than caregivers who don't stay active.
  4. Watch your own health. See your doctor regularly. Look for signs of depression, such as loss of interest in things you normally enjoy or a drastic change in appetite.
  5. Get help. When people offer to help, let them. Have a mental list of ways others can lighten your load, such as grocery shopping. Seek out community services available in your area.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Sunday, October 14, 2007

For The Men

Point blank: Heart disease is the leading killer of men. Nearly 30 percent of men die from it, with deaths from cancer and unintentional injuries following close behind, according to the Centers for Disease Control. What can you do to protect against these threats?

  • Heart Disease. One marker of increased risk for heart disease is abdominal fat - and men are genetically predisposed to it. So eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and low in fat, salt and fried foods. Exercise daily, quit smoking and limit
  • Cancer. The most common type is lung cancer - and 90 percent of cases are related to smoking. If you smoke, work with your doctor to stop. A healthy lifestyle may reduce your risk for prostate and colorectal cancers. Take advantage of annual screening test, particularly if you have a family history of cancer.
  • Unintentional Injuries. Practice safe work habits in fields such as construction, agriculture and mining. Wear your seat belt, obey the speed limit and don't drive drunk. Have gas appliances regularly serviced by a trained technician. Read medicine labels carefully. Use nonskid ladders. And don't swim or boat alone in open or unfamiliar waters.

Copyright © Neil Harper
Healthy Lifestyle Reduces Insulin Resistance

Experts estimate that 10 to 25 percent of adults may be insulin resistant. This condition means that the body can't use sugar properly. It greatly increases your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.

The biggest risk factor for insulin resistance is being overweight. Even more dangerous is carrying that extra weight around the middle.

Fortunately, people can reduce insulin resistance with moderate to intense exercise. In general, it is recommended that you try to work in 30 minutes of activity on most days of the week. A diet low in fat and calories also helps tame insulin resistance.

Copyright © Neil Harper
Concerns About Pain Relievers

Recently, consumers received a wake-up call when a popular prescription pain reliever was abruptly taken off the market. A study had shown that long -term use doubled the risk of heart attack and stroke. Questions about similar drugs followed.

In the end, two prescription medications - both of them being a type of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) called a COX-2 inhibitor - were shelved. And the FDA announced that all NSAIDs, including drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen, would need to carry stronger warnings about the risk of heart problems, stomach bleeding and
rare skin reactions.

Where does this leave us when we need pain relief? The FDA says that short-term use of NSAIDs at the recommended dosage doesn't appear to increase the risk of heart problems. However, people with a history of heart disease, stroke or stomach ulcers should talk to their doctors before using them.

Some experts suggest that generally the first choice for pain relief should be acetaminophen or aspirin, neither of which are NSAIDs. If these are not effective or cause stomach problems, drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen are the safest choice. Prescription COX-2 inhibitors may best be left as a last resort.

The main rule: Take the lowest effective dose of any pain reliever for the shortest amount of time possible.

Copyright © Neil Harper

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Aching Head: When You Know What Kind Of Headache You Have, You Can Get Help

Nearly 30 million Americans, including 18 million women, suffer from recurring headaches. Yet only 10 percent discuss the problem with a doctor. That's troubling because the journal Neurology reports that chronic headaches put women at four times greater risk of depression.

Knowing symptoms and effective treatments can help you prepare for your next visit with the doctor.

migraine sufferers describe one sided, throbbing pain, nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Many also experience an aura of light flashes, blind spots and zig-zags.
Most migraines are episodic, triggered by diet, activity, environment, emotions, medications or hormones. Avoiding these triggers is one step; others include proper sleep and diet habits, exercise and massage. Your doctor may prescribe daily medications to help reduce the number of episodes, or an abortive drug for you to take as soon as the aura or pain begins.

This moderate ache occurs in your forehead, temples, neck and the back of your head. Episodes are triggered by stress, anxiety, fatigue or anger. If you experience headaches more than 15 days a month, see your doctor for help.

These headaches usually accompany problems such as sinus infections, disease, tumors, blood clots, aneurysms and complications of high blood pressure. If you have the "worst headache of your life," call your doctor immediately to get help in diagnosing the problem.

You know that the average headache is rarely cause for concern. But call your doctor if your headache:
  • Is sudden and severe
  • Is accompanied by fever, stiff neck or uncontrollable vomiting
  • Leads to confused or loss of consciousness
  • Is accompanied by numbness, weakness or vision loss
  • Begins after head injury or other trauma

Copyright © Neil Harper

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Could That Stomachache Mean Colitis?

If you often experience abdominal cramping and find yourself hurrying to the bathroom, you may have colitis. Colitis is a digestive disorder that causes inflammation and sores on the lining of the colon.

Researchers don't know exactly what triggers colitis. While it may strike at any age, colitis most commonly starts between ages 15 and 30 or, less frequently, between ages 50 and 70.

Symptoms of colitis often come and go. Obvious signs are frequent abdominal pain and diarrhea. Other symptoms include:
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Appetite loss
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Mucus in the stool
Doctors treat colitis with drugs to control inflammation and diarrhea. In severe cases, they may recommend surgery. People can sometimes improve colitis symptoms by avoiding foods that trigger them, eating smaller meals, and controlling stress.

Copyright © Neil Harper
Lung Cancer: Family History Matters

Smoking causes most lung cancer; but women appear to be vulnerable to another risk factor - their genes.

Women with a family member who has been diagnosed with lung cancer are nearly three times as likely to develop the disease. Men's risk is nearly doubled by having a close relative with the disease.

It seems that certain inherited genetic patterns leave people more susceptible to lung cancer.
Even nonsmokers face increased risk if their mother, father, or a sibling developed lung cancer.

Other causes include second-hand smoke and exposure to radon, an oderless, invisible gas that occurs naturally in soil and rock.

To decrease lung cancer risk, avoid cigarette smoke and other chemical pollutants, and eat a healthy diet. See your doctor if you have a recurring cough, hoarseness lasting more than two weeks, trouble breathing, chest pain, or if you cough up blood - all could be signs of lung cancer.

Copyright © Neil Harper
Breast Cancer: Mammograms Save Lives

A woman's risk for breast cancer increases with age. That's why experts recommend women in their 40s and older get a mammogram every year. However, researchers have found that women in their mid 60s do not get mammograms as often as they should.

Mammograms save lives by helping doctors find cancer in its earliest stages. The sooner treatment begins, the better the chances for survival.

Digital mammography has made early detection even more likely. It's more effective than film mammography at finding breast cancer in women who were once very difficult to diagnose.

In digital mammography, a computer creates and stores an image of the breast. This means radiologists can enhance, magnify, or otherwise manipulate the image in order to make a more accurate diagnosis.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month so schedule your appointment for your mammogram today!

Copyright © Neil Harper