Sunday, October 14, 2007

For The Men

Point blank: Heart disease is the leading killer of men. Nearly 30 percent of men die from it, with deaths from cancer and unintentional injuries following close behind, according to the Centers for Disease Control. What can you do to protect against these threats?

  • Heart Disease. One marker of increased risk for heart disease is abdominal fat - and men are genetically predisposed to it. So eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and low in fat, salt and fried foods. Exercise daily, quit smoking and limit
  • Cancer. The most common type is lung cancer - and 90 percent of cases are related to smoking. If you smoke, work with your doctor to stop. A healthy lifestyle may reduce your risk for prostate and colorectal cancers. Take advantage of annual screening test, particularly if you have a family history of cancer.
  • Unintentional Injuries. Practice safe work habits in fields such as construction, agriculture and mining. Wear your seat belt, obey the speed limit and don't drive drunk. Have gas appliances regularly serviced by a trained technician. Read medicine labels carefully. Use nonskid ladders. And don't swim or boat alone in open or unfamiliar waters.

Copyright © Neil Harper

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