Monday, October 22, 2007

There's Something in the Air

Lurking in your house are microscopic creatures called dust mites. Like any living thing, they eat. And they feed on the scales from your skin, called dander. It gets worse.

The tiny critters don't just eat; they excrete something that becomes an allergen. As if the thought of dust mites excreting allergens isn't enough, pets make the problem worse, emitting dander that creates a banquet for dust mites. And mold spores and fragments add to the mix of allergens in your house that make you sneeze, irritate your eyes or trigger asthma attacks.

The actual reaction starts when allergen particles settle in your nose, eyes or throat. Then, depending on your genetic makeup, your body's immune system may kick in to "battle" the foreign substance. This allergic reaction can be nonexistent, mild, moderate or severe.

When you spend more time indoors amid dust mites and dander, your reaction may become more noticeable and bothersome. Heating systems move both air and allergens around. And since less air is exchanged between inside and out, the dust and allergens are concentrated.

You could dust, clean and vacuum constantly and still not get rid of every dust mite and allergen. But there are steps you can take to minimize their effects.

Wash your bedding at least once a week in hot water. Add bleach or use a special anti-allergen detergent. You can even purchase dust mite-proof bedding and pillowcases. Buy an air purifier with a high-energy particulate air (HEPA) filter and run it for an hour before bed. Try to keep pets out of the bedroom, off the bed and off the furniture elsewhere.

Vacuum carpets and furniture at least once a week, preferably with a HEPA-equipped vacuum cleaner. Dust surfaces with a high quality dust cloth (and don't cut corners by dusting around knick-knacks). Carefully weigh the decision to use a humidifier. And, know that tobacco smoke irritates eyes, noses, and throats making allergy symptoms worse.

Copyright © Neil Harper

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